Daily tide charts and tidal coefficient. High tides and low tides. Tides height. Monthly tide table.
Sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, azimuth, moon phases, eclipses, transits and other astronomical data.
Hourly activity chart and solunar periods with the best fishing moments of every day.
Monthly tide table, monthly solunar table and monthly activity table.
Fishing barometer, pressure graph and hourly pressure table with trend indicator.
Height and direction of the swell, wave period, hourly surf table.
Wind at land and wind at sea: wind speed, wind gust, wind force, land and sea conditions and hourly wind table.
Weather conditions at coast: Cloud cover, visibility, temperature, precipitation, wind chill, humidity, dew point and hourly weather table.
Open water forecast for marine/sailing. Includes all weather indicators and also the water temp. Hourly marine table.